
Do this and you will never again worry about reviving any rootless orchid.

If you do this you will no longer have to worry about rootless orchids. They will no longer be a thought for you. Here’s what you need to do.

Orchid in a bottle

The orchid is an indoor plant also suitable for those who do not have a green thumb . In fact, it doesn’t require much care and for this reason it is perfect for everyone. With a few precautions you can make it flower all year round without too much effort. You just have to follow some common rules.

Such as the right position which is in the light but not directly exposed to the sun’s rays and away from windows that are opened frequently to avoid drafts on the plant. Then you have to water it but not too often because the soil only needs to be moist. And then the use of fertilizer is important, there are different natural ones that will help you.


Most likely, however, you are here to revive a rootless orchid . And then you are exactly in the right place because we will see what the nurserymen’s method is and you will no longer have to worry. Below you will find all the details you need to know to replicate everything on your plant.

Orchid without roots: here’s what to do

As we said, let’s go and pick up an orchid without roots. Doing it is simple and even beginners can do it. So if you have one of these plants without roots, know that you don’t have to throw it away because there is a way to make it continue to live. Then take your orchid with dry roots and cut them if they are completely black.

Their color must be green tending towards gray and therefore if they are not of this color eliminate them. Only the base of the tree will remain and you have to clean it very well and you can help yourself with scissors. At this point take the garlic . This ingredient has antibacterial properties and will help you as it is a great antiseptic.

rootless orchid

Take a clove of garlic and place it in a bowl. Using a garlic press or mortar, squeeze it . At this point add half a liter of water and filter the water to eliminate any residue. Take a cotton pad, wet it in garlic water and pass it over all the leaves of the plant.

Then take a glass and insert the plant shaft into the bottom and pour the garlic water until it covers it. Leave it like this for about 30 minutes. Pour the terracotta seeds that you will place in the vase into the remaining water. And place a soft, highly absorbent cloth like gauze on top of these.

revive a rootless orchid

Now take a bottle and cut it, obtaining only the neck and the bottom. For the first, about 5 centimeters will be enough, while for the second, about 10 centimeters. Take the gauze, wring it out, and wrap it around the orchid tree . Insert the gauze into the neck of the bottle from the narrowest part. Instead, put the terracotta seeds and some clean water in the bottom.

Then close with the other part of the bottle. The cloth will absorb the water and keep the base of the plant always moist. Place this bottle in a cool place for about 2 weeks and mist the leaves every 2 days. Change the water when it is dirty or when it is running low. After 2 months you will start to see results and you will be able to repot the plant when the roots have reached 6/7 centimeters .

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